
Making freebase with ammonia
Making freebase with ammonia

making freebase with ammonia

Once again, suck off the black liquid from the top and discard it, then filter the last little bit of liquid out of the alkaloids. Let the solution settle, it takes several hours for the alkaloids to fall to the bottom, leaving a dark liquid on top. You will be able to see the alkaloids fall out of the soln, which goes from dark and yucky looking to bright yellow as the 'loids become visible.

making freebase with ammonia

To the filtered aqueous harmaloid soln, add a small amt of ammonia. Regardless, the NaCl precip seems like a good thing to do at least once, possibly more.) Once, while trying to be a lazy ass, the NaCl phase was skipped altogether and an ammonia precip was performed directly on the original tea - the resulting extract worked fine on males, but the one female it was given to vomited excessively - this might have been a coincidence, but it might also have been due to the fact that these other alkaloids were precipitated along with the harmaloids. The NaCl precipitation seems to be the phase that removes the toxic uterotonic alkaloids such as vasicine. (OPTIONAL: Repeat the NaCl precipitation one more time for extra purity. Pass this liquid thru another coffee filter so as to remove some of the oils that will otherwise gum up the next phase. Redissolve the resulting red gooey mush in ~1/2 liter of HOT distilled H20 (my tap water here has some solids which would precip out in the next phase, so I recommend distilled). The filter can be bunched up and moved around in the funnel to aid in getting the liquid to pass through. Then dump out the last little bit into a coffee filter in a funnel (or vaccum filter if you have one). Rather than filtering out all the liquid, which is a pain in the ass at this point cuz of all the filter-clogging oils, simply siphon or suck off the liquid from the top using syringe, turkey baster, or whatever. Reduce the volume of your combined aqueous extracts to ~1/2 liter, and dissolve another 23 grams of NaCl into the tea as well, just for good measure.Ĭombine the 1/2 liter of seed tea with the 1/2 liter of saturated NaCl soln in a quart masonic jar. Let the water cool, and filter out the salt that precips. Pre-mix 1/2 liter of saturated NaCl soln by adding NON-IODIZED NaCl to boiling H20 until it won't dissolve any more. Just boiling 2X for 1/2 hr seems to get most of the alks. Strain thru t-shirt or other cloth, squeeze out as much liquid as possible, and boil again, strain again, and combine the two aqueous extracts.

making freebase with ammonia

But either way, soak the seeds then blend 'em, or grind 'em in a burr grinder, or use a mortar and pestle if you're hard core.īoil ground or blended seeds ~1/2 hr. IMO, the best way to do this is as follows: soak ~100g seeds overnite in a blender (you can add vinegar, which the standard tek calls for, but vinegar is stinky, hard on the lungs, and IMO unnecessary as the alkaloids are readily soluble in H20 anyway. Perform a basic Manske/Hasenfratz NaCl precipitation according to your preferred method (if you already have an establish method for this, skip to step number eight).

Making freebase with ammonia